“India adopts an independent foreign policy and has tried to keep neutral when dealing with major countries,” Mr Zhao said.“US attaches importance to India’s strategic value, economic development potential and ideological advantage,” Xinhua quoted Jin Canrong, vice-president of the School of International Studies at Renmin University, as saying.It said the change in treatment Modi has received from America was viewed by many as the result of a warming India-US relationship, which has seen ups and downs in recent years.Strategic consideration were the reasons behind frequent meetings between US President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Chinese state-run media on Wednesday said and cautioned India that Strategic consideration were the reasons behind frequent meetings between US President Barack Obama and Prime Minister China PEEK bearings Factory Narendra Modi, Chinese state-run media on Wednesday said and cautioned India that it cannot rise by “containing” China or picking one side against the other. “Embracing India will help consolidate the US rebalance to the Asia-Pacific,” he said..“What is behind the veil is strategic consideration from both Washington and New Delhi,” it said.
The US and India values do not fit each other completely, the news agency quoted Zhao Gancheng, an India expert with Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, as saying.“For Mr Obama, improving US-India ties will help consolidate his diplomatic legacy as seven months are left before he leaves office; for Mr Modi, his visit is aimed at seeking new momentum for developing ties with Washington,” Xinhua news agency said in a commentary on Indo-US ties.“Mr Modi is also a nationalist leader and he will not blindly follow the United States,” he said.“Just a few years ago, Mr Modi was banned from entering the US soil. Now, Mr Modi was greeted by a flag-bearing military honour guard when he arrived at the entrance to the West Wing for talks with Obama,” the commentary said. “Strategic consideration is behind the frequent meetings between Mr Obama and Mr Modi as the latter is paying his fourth trip to the US since he took office in 2014,” the commentary said, a day after the two leaders met at the White House.